I had a client this week who had a cat that was inappropriately peeing in the wrong locations. When I asked her why the he was doing what he was doing, he responded with the song, “Why can’t we be friends” – by War. I had no idea what this meant, so I asked the client if the cat had any friends. She said yes, and responded that the two cats that she had were friends. When she said this, I got a hit from the angels that it wasn’t about cat friends. It was about her getting along with her husband. The cat couldn’t take the tense energy between the two of them.
Cats and dogs both are much more astute when it comes to picking up vibrations and sensing feelings of humans. Let’s face it – it’s how they survived – they could distinguish between humans that would hurt them and humans that would love them. They also are more connected to source than we are, more present in the moment and more aware of the spiritual world as an integral part of life. For example, they see ghosts. The main reason I find for behavior issues is interacting with earthbound spirits. (of course, the person did call me, so they knew it wasn’t something they needed a dog trainer for.)
I once asked a dog how they could always tell when a human was lying, and they said they could smell it. That astounded me, and brought home even more how we don’t process our environment in the same way they do. I have literally been stunned by the things peoples pets say, because they are so amazing. There is a joy and an honesty. They are incapable of lying, the most they can do is change the subject or say “Hey! Look over here!”
Just like people, some animals are more sensitive than others. They don’t have any protection, a bad situation gets to them and they act out. So many times they are blamed for something that isn’t their fault. My dog DeeDee is the survivor of a hoarding situation where the woman had Alzheimer’s. I’ve cleared her energy and she has come a long way, but if you look at her wrong she’ll get immediate diarrhea. She reminds me of possums – they are known to give off a hoard smell and then act dead when they are threatened. Dee was not allowed to live in a stress free home, and she hasn’t let go of that yet. She will. I am her world, and when she figures out that this is permanent and real, she will relax.
So when your pet has an issue, try to understand it instead of just correcting it or being angry about it. Then let it go. I put an ad in the local paper that I had a “100% success rate with peeing issues.” That allowed me to work with hundreds of peeing issues! What I found, is that many cats are very sensitive about litters (That actually could be a whole book!). I also found out that what the OWNERS were feeling, thinking and saying had a profound effect on how the pet acted.
I remember clearing the energy on two Bichons in North Tucson, only to have their owner follow after me and say, “you are bad dogs! You are going to pee on the carpet again, I just know it! You are always wrecking stuff! I wouldn’t even keep you if your father would let me get rid of you!” Needless to say, the dogs almost peed on the carpet again immediately. After all, that was what she was telling them to do. She was making them feel like they were worthless un-housebroken dogs, they were just acting out her beliefs.
If you think that your pet doesn’t understand when you say something bad to them, think again. Even if they don’t understand the words you say completely, they feel the intent, the emotion, the energy you are expelling. It’s why some people talk to their pup in happy upbeat tones.
So remember, look for the source of your pets behavior. Like your behavior being different or something in their lives changing.
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