It seems that what is going to happen in the future is up in the air even more now than before. The thing to realize is that life is change, and to not “roll with it” causes more problems than to accept it. Abraham Hicks talks about this when you must make a choice, look how much energy it will take. An easy path, that uses energy like going downstream in a canoe is the preferred one. If it feels like you are pushing a rock uphill every day, that is a path that probably isn’t the Universe’s ideal situation for you. We get stubborn sometimes and hold on to those branches that give way underneath us and crash to the earth with them, instead of easily flying away. So, if things are going really rough, the questions to ask are: is there an easier path? What am I supposed to be learning here?
When we are met to learn a spiritual lesson, it keeps appearing to us in different forms, usually a little more difficult each time. The old example I used to use is: “first God taps you, then he pushes you, then he throws you off a cliff.” The lesson doesn’t go away, it becomes harder to live or easier to figure out. In fact, if you don’t get it in this life, you will have to figure it out in your NEXT life. Which is a very good reason to look at the spiritual reality of things in your life, not just the emotional or financial one. We also create everything in our lives before we come down here to earth, so your soul KNOWINGLY went into the situation you were born into.
We are born into the situation we start in, but we can always make another decision, another choice when we are adults. Many things we take on to protect ourselves as children, are habits that hold us back as adults. It is up to you to look at your beliefs and see if they still fit you. The Universe works with the situation of opposites until now. That means that if you are supposed to learn you are lovable in this life, they put you in a situation were people ignore you, hurt you and act like they hate you. Then one day, your incredible lovable internal self speaks up and realizes that they are wrong, and you are lovable.
With the vibration of the planet rising, we are now in the place where there is another way to learn and progress in soul growth. That is to learn from JOY, not fear. You can manifest the life you want, by holding the space for it and calling it to you. This is what most call manifesting. It is easy to do but there are some laws to it that you need to follow to make it work. When I teach this information to a group, I have them bring in their affirmations. This is because they need to be worded right, or you will be attracting the opposite of what you want. Realize that the Universe does not respond to negatives. It is like telling a dog to “not sit”. If they are trained, they will just hear the “sit” and respond to it, not the not. That is because there is no version of “not sit”, it isn’t a visual picture. Or rather, like a musical note (everything in the Universe is a vibration) there is no “Not that note”.
I know I am traveling a lot of ground here if you haven’t heard these concepts, and if you have, hopefully you understand it better than you did before. These concepts weren’t easy for me to comprehend at first, but the Angels kept showing me examples of how this type of manifesting works and examples of it in my client’s lives. They believe that everyone has “created” the situation they are in, none of it is random. That is why “what are you learning here” is so important. Your soul has created this very life for you to learn more about yourself. You have been given a team of Angels and Spirit Guides to help you, support you and draw miracles into your life. However, your Angels can only help you if they have your permission, because they cannot (Unlike humans who CAN lie and go against God’s will) interfere with free will. You can also talk to them, have a relationship with them. Learning to work with and trust my Angels and Spirit Guides has been a thing that has drastically changed my life. Even working as a medium, they help me that people on the other side don’t talk over each other, and they get people lined up to come through clearly and loudly.
The wildcard in what the future holds is fear. If we all get afraid, and act out of fear, we draw things we are fearful of to us. It’s like taking a pencil and drawing a line to what you are scared of every time you think of it. Soon you have a freeway of pencil marks and it has the most energy to it, so it is the most likely to happen. Plus, when you worry about something, it is taking up precious real estate in your mind that could be being used to solve your problem in a better way. When you are at the vibration of fear, not only do you create what you are afraid of, you also attract other people and situations that are vibrating at that emotion. I see this now when I get in a bad mood, everyone around me is in a bad mood also! In fact, the last bad mood I had, I had to apologize to the computer at CVS, because it only worked after I apologized silently!
If we stay strong, like the bird that knows it has other options it can fly away, we will come up with easy innovative ways to grow, create and inspire each other. There is no source of darkness and fear, only lack of light. I know you have probably heard fear is an illusion. It is there to help us discover who we are. It is like the tumbleweeds I hit on the freeway going to New Mexico one time, they were as big as my car but when I hit them, they just de-materialized, poof! When we find the reason, we are in the situation we are in, we are never in that situation again, we have learned that lesson and are moving forward. It feels magical, because it is. There is no reason to be a victim. We need to embrace and live in our power, realize how we created the situation and fly to the next adventure.
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