Since I am an animal medical intuitive, I can feel how the pet I am working with feels in their body, which seems strange even to me.
Ruth has a soft spot in her heart for older dogs, espe- cially the ones that have flowing goldish-red hair, brown eyes that shine with love and weigh around 80 pounds. Some of Ruth’s goldens come to her as old as ten, often kicked out of or separated from a family they had known since birth. Without personally knowing why each dog was surrendered, I do not understand how someone can abandon a member of his or her household. I find Ruth’s love when caring for these Golden Retrievers worthy of God himself.
Because the dogs Ruth rescues are older, they tend to have more health issues. She called me many times to inquire about the health of one of her pack.
One of Ruth’s dogs was a wonderful, beautiful golden retriever named Hollywood that was ten years old. He was diagnosed with bone cancer in his leg. The veterinarian wanted to cut Hollywood’s leg off; the best way to assure that the cancer would not come back.
Ruth asked me to talk to Hollywood about what course of treatment he wanted and to ask him how much pain he was in.
I greeted Hollywood. He became animated, much like he had done once before when I had talked to him. I asked Hollywood what course of action he wanted to take. He replied, “I do not want any heroic measures,” he paused and then added, “But I don’t know what that means.”
After I said this, Ruth laughed, “He must have over- heard me talking on the telephone!”
At first, Ruth honored Hollywood’s request not to remove his leg. Later, when cancer seemed sure to take him, she acquiesced and Hollywood had the surgery to remove it. He lived for another year, never losing his wonderful, loving energy.
I published this excerpt from my book this week because I have been working with The Golden Retriever Rescue to find a lost foster Golden. The people in the Golden Retriever Rescue in Arizona are amazing, and they have committed to finding this lost boy that isn’t sure that he can ever trust people. We have pulled out all the stops, and now are asking the good people around, our angels and guides, and the Universe to give this dog Samson a break: for him to believe that he can really have the healthy happy loving home that is waiting for him. Say a blessing this week that Samson will be found safe and unhurt, ready for that second chance with his first loving home!

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