Giving Back
“I am in favor of animal rights as well as human rights. That is the way of a whole human being.” - Abraham LincolnBeing an artist, I have been asked to donate artwork for my whole career. One year, I donated 52 pieces of artwork in that year alone. I have always had work that sold, which makes it desirable for charity art auctions. I have supported some charities (SAAF Southern Arizona Aids Foundation, Youth at Risk, Treasures for TiHAN, Small Paws to name a few) for years. For most of my career, I have also had a highly lucrative pharmaceutical sales position. Because of that I have been fortunate to be able to be generous with donations.
Today I am a working artist, animal communicator and intuitive medium. Running my own business, I have to be selective about who I donate to. My desire, my wish, my hope, is that there will come a day when we #SaveThemAll. That every cat, dog, or even gerbil that goes into a rescue or shelter is adopted out to a loving forever home. That every person who wants to knows what it is like to save the life of a companion animal, knows the joy of the companionship and unconditional love a pet can bring. Because of this, the charities I support are rescue organizations and groups that help make my dream a reality.
The main reasons a pet is turned into a shelter are behavior issues, health issues and being lost. As an animal communicator I can help with all of those issues. Many of the breed rescues do their due diligence and make sure they place pets with as close to their ideal home as possible. When adjustment situations happen with these animals in their new homes, I can help to communicate the feelings of all parties involved. I have never met a malicious dog or cat that wanted to hurt a human. They are usually doing unwanted behavior because they don’t understand or are scared or upset. A quick phone session is literally the difference between life and death with these pets.
My work, both with intuitive sessions and artwork lends itself to silent auctions. If your charity is having a silent auction/charity fundraiser, please contact me for a donation. While I may not be able to fill all requests received, so far I have never turned one down. I can also give a one of a kind piece if given proper advance notice. I have created paintings of rescued dogs, done artwork for brochures, or given a portrait for an award as a contest prize. If you work for a charity, rescue or animal shelter, please fill out the information below, with what you would like me to donate to and the specifics. I will contact you as soon as possible after I receive it.
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