Snapshot of Gratitude.
The great thing about the period between Christmas and New Year’s, you’ll get to spend some time with your fur kids. If you’re like me, you have several pets in your herd and every year may not be like the previous one. Because of that, I like to take a snapshot of where everyone currently is, and appreciate the hell out of it.
For example, I am thankful that all of my animals are currently healthy. No one is at death’s door, or even a hospice distance from death. Buffy is my oldest cat at ten, and she is in perfect health other than being overweight (something she tells me she came into this incarnation to enjoy). No one is on medication, and our worst problem is a temptations addiction.
Everyone got their shots this year, which is no small feat for my herd. Samson is the most amazing cat I have ever known, and he teaches me every day how to be in a relationship with an equal. Peaches has become more “grounded” and sits with me more. I am incredibly grateful that such a beautiful creature lives in my home. Even grounded, Peaches still seems like she is from another Universe. She reminds me that even in all my years of having cats, I still am surprised by cats. I want to remember what it feels like to have these four cats, healthy, alive at this age, each contributing to my life in a different way.
My new dog Deedee isn’t where I want her to be, but she has grown on me and I truly love her. I am thankful for that. I am waiting for the miracle shift with her, one that I know will come. I am grateful for that, and that whether I like it or not, Deedee is teaching me patience.
I am also thankful that my horse is healthy, sound and here with me. That I have a good friend for him, like I promised him, and he has a wonderful barn and pen. That we have a truck and trailer so we can trail ride around Arizona.
What is amazing and glorious about your current pets? What are you thankful for with your pets this year? What obstacles did you face and conquer? What is the beauty of where you are today? What has your pet added to your life this year? What has been unique and memorable?
To me, I also cherish the ordinary times. Because I have pets on the other side that I would dearly treasure spending another ordinary afternoon with. If you take these days to take a deep breath, really look around and see what you have as a fur family to cherish, be thankful for, embrace. That way, when the circumstances change, you will know you took the time to really know what you have.
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Enjoy, Ann
Thank you again for spending so much time with me and Pita Pocket. I know she is in a better place and will miss her tremendously. But I also know her failing kidneys would have meant her loss sooner or later. I am sad but glad but she didn’t linger and fight like Boca-Dot did. She is in her best place now and I am so blessed with your talents and willingness to help as best you can. lol…nancy