Amazing Grace is Needed Today

Amazing Grace is Needed Today

Snapshot of Gratitude. The great thing about the period between Christmas and New Year’s, you’ll get to spend some time with your fur kids. If you’re like me, you have several pets in your herd and every year may not be like the previous one. Because of that, I like...
Dogs Need to be Saved

Dogs Need to be Saved

Every dog I have ever talked to has come with a purpose for their humans. Then of course they like a job. If you don’t give them a job they will create one. But the job requirement is another story. This blog is about the purpose that dogs have in human’s lives. They...
Book Review: Love Is Letting Go of Fear

Book Review: Love Is Letting Go of Fear

If you haven’t read “Love is Letting Go of Fear” you need to. There is no excuse not to really. It is an easy read and a short book. Honestly I have read it at least ten times. The first time I heard of the book was after a particularly hard break-up. I was on a date...
The Angel Advice that Changed my Life

The Angel Advice that Changed my Life

I was recently reminded of one of the rare times I heard my Angels before I found out I was an empathic medium. I was in my thirties, with a nephew was living with me, he was going to college. It was his first time away from the Midwest, and his divorced parents were...
National Craft for your Shelter Pet Day

National Craft for your Shelter Pet Day

If you have ever been away travelling and gotten a very sparse room for the evening, you are comforted by your robe and items from home that you brought with you. But what if you never got something from home? Just travelling without any personal belongings and not...
Sleep Angel

Sleep Angel

If you have worked with me at all, you know that I channel people’s Angels and Spirit Guides. We all have 30-40 Angels and Spirit Guides with us. Those are the ones assigned to us and who chose to be with us. Some people don’t feel their spirit guides and Angels...
Say Hello to DeeDee

Say Hello to DeeDee

“When a pet dies, remember that you are still alive. There are still more adventures to have. Those adventures don’t erase the grief; it will still be there.” I believe this from the bottom of my heart. I also know you can’t force a connection before you are ready....

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