Having a friend attend is really a plus because they can help you be objective about your animals. They can also remind you of behaviors you may not remember. Plus it is just more fun when you know someone in the class!
Please bring a notebook or paper to write on, a pen and a picture of the animals you want to talk to. Have 3-4 questions or goals you have for the class written down for me that I can address for you during the class. We will be bringing some live animals into the class, so if you want to bring your pet to the class, add to your sign up that you have an animal (With name, breed, species, size, way you are transporting them, that they are potty trained, okay with people around, and okay with other dogs.)
Desert Harmony has an outdoor square, so we may be able to have some larger animals like ponies or goats. I have to check on this first, so ask if it is a possibility and I will get back to you. We can also use the square to have dogs relieve themselves.
I will bring in a few animals for you to practice with in person. You will experience both reading an animal from a distance and talking to an animal who is present.
You will also be shown how to talk to an animal who has crossed and is on the other side if we have time. I will be teaching this class on a monthly or bi-monthly basis, so if we don’t cover what you want to learn this class, make sure I know your wishes so we can have it in the next class.
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