Animal Communicator
Intuitive Medium
3 Things to Know Before Starting an Equine Business (That’ll Help You Succeed)
When you love horses, you could end up wanting to make a living with something focused on them. There are plenty of jobs you could try, but you could also consider starting an equine business. It’s easy to see why this is appealing. That doesn’t mean it’s something...
Amazing Grace is Needed Today
Snapshot of Gratitude. The great thing about the period between Christmas and New Year’s, you’ll get to spend some time with your fur kids. If you’re like me, you have several pets in your herd and every year may not be like the previous one. Because of that, I like...
Dogs Need to be Saved
Every dog I have ever talked to has come with a purpose for their humans. Then of course they like a job. If you don’t give them a job they will create one. But the job requirement is another story. This blog is about the purpose that dogs have in human’s lives. They...
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Enjoy, Ann