Dogs are amazing.

You may already have an inkling of the magic that dogs possess, like how they know to cuddle with you when you need it and make you laugh when you least feel like it. Dogs can seem to exist almost on air; with just water, kibble and some petting. In this column I give you permission to believe what many of you already know to be true.

I am an animal communicator, or pet psychic (I don’t like the word psychic, but hey, I can’t get away from it). I communicate telepathically with dogs. With puppies or dogs that are less frequently exposed to humans, I receive mind pictures and feelings. For example, I may receive a picture of the cat, and a feeling of disgust. Then next, I am sent a picture of the dog’s best friend, and get a happy, tail wagging feeling.

Along with this, I may get body feelings, and have at times actually seen events through the dog’s eyes. In fact, my first experience of careening through the house seeing the couch at eye-level made me dizzy and almost nauseous. When I receive only pictures and feelings, I know I am talking to a young dog or a dog that has been in a situation that limited their exposure to humans, like a puppy mill. For example, it is not unusual for Puppy mill dogs to have a fear of the sky, because they have been inside their whole lives.

Dogs and language

Dogs that live with humans learn language. There is a Border collie called Chase, owned by John Piley (, and the fact that he knows a thousand words is in fact nothing special. What makes him special is that he has a human that took the time to try to communicate with him about his knowledge, and gave him the chance to “strut his stuff”. When I communicate with adult dogs, they are never at a loss for words. Though they often also send feelings with the words to communicate the nuances of their situation. What dogs lack are sophisticated voice boxes.

Dogs understand what humans are saying at a human toddler’s level. That means they miss some of the nuances of words and are more literal when it comes to what a word means. I once had a dog question me on the meaning of the word “understanding”. Because to the dog, under meant down, like “under the table.” And standing meant “standing up”, which means you wouldn’t be able to fit under the table. So the sentence; “I hope you are UNDERSTANDING me, that I want you to be a good dog this weekend” made no sense to him.    

95% of the dogs I talk to, share with me what they love to eat. This can be difficult, because they don’t always know the name of what they like. Except for Snausages. I have had some dogs scream: “Snausages!” whether they like them or not. No, I get “that tan chewy” or “the small brown crunchy bits”. Sometimes, the way the dogs show me the treat is by sharing with me how it feels in their mouth (Chomp, chomp, chomp!). Other times,the dogs show me their owner getting a bag; what shelf it comes from, and how the bag opens. (yes, your dogs pay attention to that!) Interestingly, their favorite morsels usually are not human food, but treats made for dogs.

Do dogs watch TV?

The answer is, yes they do! You will be in the kitchen cooking dinner, and have CSI on. Your dogs will be pretending to help find the young dead lady (every episode has a dead person!). This is a show where a dog could use his skills 24 hours a day, see cute dead bodies, wondering who the next victim would be. “We get to learn how to be working dogs not ordinary old couch dogs!  We consider it our training!”

What I have learned from the dogs I converse with is that they love cartoons (The shows that have brightly shaped colors that move). What they are least interested in are soap opera’s, or shows that people just stand around talking without moving. Many dogs “listen” to TV (loud noises on TV can be an excuse to get excited and bark!). The most memorable TV watching example was a woman’s dog that told me he loved when she was gone for the evening. Her boyfriend and the dog would watch the reality show “Speeders”. Every time the sirens went off, her dog would deliciously howl along with them. It was male bonding!

Dogs learn from imitating.

A woman asked me why her pug was STARING at her, just mesmerized while she was putting her makeup on. When asked, the Pug told me he was DYING to find out how lipstick felt on the mouth, what make-up would look like on HIM?

Jenny was amused by this, then STUNNED when her Pug sat still, letting her put on lipstick, eye shadow, and mascara. He slowly turned and looked at himself in the mirror. That was just a bonus, looking in the mirror. What he really wanted, he had accomplished. He got to FEEL how makeup felt on his skin.

Dogs can’t lie.

The most they can do is diversion, like, “Hey! Look over in the corner!” while they try to slink away. They also don’t hold a grudge. I would get into disagreements with my Bichon Patsy, and after I thought about it, I’d realize she was the one that was right. I would look over at her to apologize, just to see that she had fallen asleep. When she woke up, she’d be bursting with joy, the disagreement less than a distant memory.

Dogs love with their whole hearts.

They believe families are forever. If anything bad happens, they think it is their fault. A dog left at a park in LA told me that it was his fault he lost his family, because he couldn’t run as fast as the car.  I don’t know why you would ever let go of your dog, because your dog will never give up on you.

If can tell you one thing about your dog, without even meeting them, it is this: they did not come into your life randomly. They came with a purpose, distinctly for you. Every dog I have ever talked to has. They know it is hard to be human, and they want to help us with that task.  A dog’s purpose is usually both simple and profound.

One dog told me he came to bring “more laughter into his human’s life.” Patsy came to help me meet the intuitive clients that needed my help. Dogs come to protect, to inspire. One very angry woman called me about her disruptive unruly dog. When she asked what his purpose could possibly be in HER life, I simply said: “to allow you to feel your anger.” The woman became really quiet. “Oh, “she said softly, “He does do that. I have never been able to get angry at any one before.”

One last tip: Give your dog a job. These canines have been bred for thousands of years to do specific jobs. A job can be barking at the mailman (or anyone that comes to the door), or carrying the backpack on hikes. It can be herding the cats around the living room, or guarding the bedroom door so none of the cats go in or out during the night (my dog’s job!). It helps to have insight into what your dogs are thinking, what they think their job is and how they see you.

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