Pets are a lifelong responsibility, so it’s important that you’ve done your research and know exactly what you’re signing up for when you decide to take one into your life. Too many people view them as mere accessories or novelties, which could go to explain why so many end up homeless or in shelters. People will quickly realize that they are living, breathing, sentient beings with wants and needs that have to be met. When it comes to dogs, you can make a good guess at what you’re going to get with a pup of a specific breed, as different dogs were bred for different purposes and thus tend to have similar strengths, capabilities, and character traits. So, let’s take a quick look at one of the dearest little pooches you could wish to welcome into your life: the Bichon Frise! This little ball of fluff might play the role of your new best bud perfectly!
What Is a Bichon Frise?
A Bichon Frise falls into the toy breed category, but are a little larger and more substantial than their category mates. Your average Bichon will grow to between nine and eleven inches tall at the shoulder and will weigh around seven to twelve pounds. This means they can fit well into almost any kind of home, from apartments to mansions. They are companion dogs and were originally bred to spend time with French royalty. Their name literally translates from French as “curly pet”. If you take a look at these pooches, it’s easy to see why. They’re fluffy little bundles of fluff!
Because of this curly fur, you may have heard the Bichon referred to as “hypoallergenic”. Their coat doesn’t shed, which has multiple benefits. If you have an allergy to pet hair, you may actually be able to own a Bichon Frise without experiencing allergy symptoms. It also means that you don’t have to worry about pet hair gathering over your clothes, furniture, and carpets. Because the hair doesn’t fall out and continues growing consistently, however, you do need to bear in mind that they need regular grooming. This task can be minimized by keeping the coat a little shorter and brushing daily at home, or you could consider sending your little bear to the professional groomers’ every couple of weeks. When choosing a groomer for your Bichon, make sure that you do plenty of research into the establishment that you intend to use. You want to look out for good reviews and recommendations. You can also always feel free to ask to see their facilities and watch part of a dog’s grooming. This will allow you to check that everything is safe and clean and that the dogs in the salons’ care are treated well. You can also ensure that they have the right equipment to deal with your Bichons’ specialist hair type.
For those of you seeking more information on small hypoallergenic dogs, click here. This comprehensive guide was updated recently and is completely free.
Finding the best food for your Bichon will largely be a case of trial and error. Test them out on different foods and see what they like best. Some will prefer dry food; others will like wet food. You may even like to combine both in order to give them the crunchy effect of the kibble and the extra taste of wet food. Some dogs will have allergies, so if you notice any intolerances such as sickness or discomfort after meals, you should take a trip to the vets, and they will be able to determine what is going on and be able to recommend specialist food for sensitive pups. You can also visit the vets if you have any concerns about whether you Bichon Frise is getting enough food (too much or too little can have detrimental health effects) by keeping an eye on their weight. You can also find out how to supply them with extra vitamins and supplements at VetIQ. It is generally suggested that you feed these pups twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening.
While these pooches can have high energy levels, a lot of this energy is exerted in playfulness. While they do need daily exercise, and a half an hour walk once a day should suffice to meet their needs. It is also generally recommended that you have at least a small backyard in which they can stretch their legs more regularly throughout the day. Consider investing in a cool mat that your pooch can lie down on once they’ve exerted themselves. Bichons’ beautiful fur means that they can often get a little hot and flustered and these help them to return to a more comfortable temperature quickly. They’re also great for use in the car when you’re traveling with your pup. Just remember to never leave your dog in the car alone!
Many dog owners make the mistake of only visiting the vets when something is wrong, but all dogs (the Bichon Frise) included should attend regular check-ups to keep on top of their health and general wellbeing. For pups, you will need to attend appointments for a microchip to be inserted and for vaccinations. You should also check in for regular worming and flea treatments (these are for prevention) and general health checks such as eye checks or prostate emptying (for male dogs). Also, remember to ask your vet to check the health of your pup’s teeth and gums. Few dog owners know that they should clean their pets’ teeth on a regular basis, so problems such as infection, decay, and abscesses can often develop and your dog has no way of communicating this with you.
As you can see, the Bichon Frise can fit perfectly into most people’s lifestyles. They are beautiful and affectionate dogs who deserve the most loving homes out there! If you are considering bringing one of these pooches into your life, why not consider adopting? Not only do pedigrees generally come with high price tags, but the dogs in shelters are in great need of loving homes that have time and patience to help them get over past experiences. Remember, adopt don’t shop!
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