Be Sensitive to Your Pets Emotional Health

Be Sensitive to Your Pets Emotional Health

I had a client this week who had a cat that was inappropriately peeing in the wrong locations. When I asked her why the he was doing what he was doing, he responded with the song, “Why can’t we be friends” – by War. I had no idea what this meant, so I asked the...
Amazing Grace is Needed Today

Amazing Grace is Needed Today

Snapshot of Gratitude. The great thing about the period between Christmas and New Year’s, you’ll get to spend some time with your fur kids. If you’re like me, you have several pets in your herd and every year may not be like the previous one. Because of that, I like...
National Craft for your Shelter Pet Day

National Craft for your Shelter Pet Day

If you have ever been away travelling and gotten a very sparse room for the evening, you are comforted by your robe and items from home that you brought with you. But what if you never got something from home? Just travelling without any personal belongings and not...
Ways to love your Pets

Ways to love your Pets

Did you give your pet a Valentine’s gift? If you have missed Valentines for your pet, look to Feb. 20th. Which is “Love Your Pet” day. I am amazed there is such a day, but I polled my fur family and of course they want to celebrate! If you know your pets, you know...
Lucie’s Very Bad Month

Lucie’s Very Bad Month

If you know me at all, you know I have a bichon named Lucie. Lucie has had a busy month. She re-certified as a therapy dog and had a graduation party last week. The week before that, she was out peeing at 7 am in the backyard and a coyote stepped out from behind a...

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