If you are like me, you watched in horror as war started in Ukraine. Regardless of what your politics are, as a human you must ache for the people who were going about their ordinary lives to wake up to bombing and tanks.

I always feel for the pets, the cats, the dogs that also are innocent victims. It also feels like we are incapable of doing anything to help the innocent civilians going through this maelstrom.

Remember, Angels are real. There have been multiple times I have sent Angels and they have changed what was happening. It only takes a few minutes, and it always helps.  Here is my request:

“I order the part of myself that knows how to do it to send Angels and Guides to every person and animal in the Ukraine that is scared, hurt or unprotected. Have them comforted, protected and surrounded with love. Send Angels to the Russian military and the Russian people, to have them realize this war is unjust. Please send love to all of them, so their vibration is above the vibration of conflict and war.”

Here are a couple of suggestions on how you can get involved and help Ukraine:

1. Speak up for the people of Ukraine on social media and in your community.

2. If you want to follow up with physical contributions, think of the following: (provided from sigrun.com)

People in Need
This is one of the most respectable organisations in the Czech Republic and they are now focusing their efforts on helping Ukraine on the ground.

Red Cross
The International Committee of the RED CROSS is helping people affected by the conflict and is supporting the work of the Ukrainian Red Cross.

Doctors without borders
The work of the Doctors without borders in Ukraine has been focused on the pandemic and the Eastern Region.

Razom was originally founded in 2014 to support Ukrainians after Russia annexed Crimea. Now, the volunteer organization is on the ground providing relief for soldiers and doctors on the frontlines.

United Help Ukraine
Nonprofit volunteer organization that distributes medical supplies, food, and donations to Ukrainian people and refugees on the ground in Ukraine, as well as supports Ukrainian families who have lost soldiers to war.

Provides safe drinking water, nutrition, sanitation and protection for children and families caught in the conflict in Ukraine.

UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
The international organization aims to provide emergency assistance to families in Ukraine — providing aid such as cash assistance and opportunities for resettlement in the U.S.

3. Help children in need

Voices of Children
Charitable Foundation Voices of Children helps children affected by the war in eastern Ukraine. They provide psychological and psychosocial support to children to help them overcome the consequences of armed conflict.

Save the Children
Since 2014 Save the Children Ukraine branch has provided lifesaving interventions across Eastern Ukraine. They support the basic needs of the most vulnerable families, proving food, shelter, coal, multi-purpose cash grants, clothing and medicine.

4. Support free press

Ukrainian News in English
Support free press from the front lines by donating to Kyiv Independent, either through GoFundMe or Patreon.

5. Support Ukrainian defense

Come Back Alive
You can directly contribute to the Ukrainian Army in various currencies through an organisation called Save Life in Ukraine.


If you are like me, you are hurt by the violence, loss of life and loss of humanity in the Ukraine. I feel for the people, and also the animals that are having to go through this. Pets want to support their humans, regardless of their nationality or political beliefs. I know how many dogs I work with in the United States that are traumatized by fireworks, I cannot imagine the reaction to actual bombs hitting buildings, killing people and pets. The picture of a man trying to get his dog across the road while it shrank in terror because of bombs going off around them devastates me. I am happy that the people of Ukraine love their pets so much that they take them with them, and am buoyed by the fact that the Ukrainian army are using cats to help them win the fight.

A reader sent me this article on which companies are staying in Russia and which ones are staying. I know that Deutche Bank has SAID they “will be leaving Russia” but that isn’t the same thing as having left. Deutche Bank has been the source of much of the money laundering and help Putin has gotten to become a wealthy man in the last two decades, and that’s enough. This website article also talks about why companies have decided to leave or stay in Russia. They update this article consistently: https://www.websiteplanet.com/blog/companies-boycotting-russia/

Also here are some great articles on Ukraine’s cats & military:

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