Mar 12, 2021 | General, Health & Wellness, Inner Reflection, Observations & Information |
Do you constantly feel completely drained of energy? You might even be struggling to get out of bed each morning and it could be a nightmare trying to complete all of the tasks that you have throughout the day. It’s important to understand that there are multiple...
Dec 31, 2020 | Art, General, Observations & Information |
Are you thinking of taking up a hobby? If you are, there are a wide range of options for you to consider. Please keep in mind that there is no strict rule saying that you are only allowed one hobby. In truth, many people do have multiple hobbies. The tricky part can...
Aug 21, 2020 | General, Observations & Information, Uncategorized |
The holidays, for example, Christmas and Thanksgiving, are just a few occasions that motivate us to partake in gift-giving. (Of course, gift-giving isn’t the only element of these holidays.) Finding the time & money to rush around & buy everyone you know a...
Apr 14, 2020 | Art, General, Observations & Information |
If you don’t have any hobbies right now, it’s important for you to take one up sooner rather than later. Relaxing is very important in your day-to-day life. If you aren’t relaxing, then you could be putting your health in danger. When we don’t relax, and we allow...
Mar 16, 2020 | Canines & Characteristics, Dogs, Dogs & Puppies, General, Observations & Information, Pets, Puppies |
Owning a pet can be a bit of a learning experience. If you are getting ready to have your first pet, get ready for a journey. It is no exaggeration to say that your pet will change your life. There are many health benefits that come with dog ownership. With...
Mar 4, 2020 | Art, General, Observations & Information |
As an artist, being creative can be liberating, and often, a lot of artists paint from the heart or from how they feel at that moment. Art, in any form, can often tell a story or emote feelings from those who see it in that it resonates with them. There are always...
Oct 5, 2019 | Canines & Characteristics, Dogs, Dogs & Puppies, Pet Health & Wellness, Pets, Puppies |
Fetch isn’t the only thing that keeps our dogs healthy and content with life. Dogs aren’t just to be petted and stroked, they are pack animals that want to feel as if they’re needed. This is perhaps why gun dogs are always wagging their tail, yearning to be released...
Jun 11, 2019 | Art, General |
How many people, over the last hundreds of years, aspired to be an artist? Of those people, how many, other than myself, have been told that their artistic ambitions will amount to nothing and would not put bread on the table? My guess, quite a few. Just imagine if...