Ann used to get Kuan Yin & Buddha confused with each other in the carvings, so she has shown both of them together so you can see the difference.
Kuan Yin is the goddess of infinite compassion, and buddha well, is BUDDHA~ they are carved out of new jade and are of the highest quality. Kuan Yin means “she who hears prayers” the most beloved & popular of Eastern Divinities, Kuan Yin is both a goddess and a bodhisattva, which means “enlightened being” Kuan yin has such a deep love for humanity that after she attained enlightenment she chose to remin in human form until each of & every human becomes enlightened. She’s devoted to helping us fully open up to our spiritual gifts, attain profound knowledge and enlightenment and reduce world suffering. Uttering her name affords guaranteed protection from harm.
Buddha means the enlightened or the awakened one Buddha’s teaching about detachment from suffing thru inner peace is the core of Buddhism. Becaue he lived both extremes of living-as a rich prince and as an ascetic- Buddha proposed that the key to happy living was “the Middle Way” or moderation in all things. Buddha when you call upon him will give you a swell of warm love in your heart. Buddha helps with balance & moderation, joy, inner & world peace and spiritual growth and understanding.
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