Why a Bichon Frise Could Be The Perfect Pet For You.

Beyond Spoiled

At least twice a week, I am told that my dogs are spoiled. And instead of denying this, I respond  with a simple: “Thank you. I work very hard to have that be true.” This of course leaves most of these people opened mouthed, staring at me strangely....
The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

Teachers We have all had them. Some good, some not so good, most leaving lasting memories, and a scant few emboldened you to be something greater than you would have been otherwise. Leaving you with the greatest gift. Some of my art professors are dead now. And...
Judgement versus Appreciation

Judgement versus Appreciation

I was having a bad day today – when I opened my iPad to this writing… “You should always give people the same advantage that you give a painting; and that is to see them in the best possible light.” It is absolutely incredible that I stumbled on this...

Moving with your cat

A basic truth that I learned long ago is this; dogs belong to a person, cats belong to a place.   With a dog, you can pack your house, have strangers come and load your stuff up and move it, and, at the very last moment, open the passenger-side door to your car...

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