Jan 10, 2025 | Angels & Spirit Guides |
Be like the bird who, pausing in her flight awhile on boughs too slight, feels them give way beneath her, and yet sings, knowing she hath wings~ Victor Hugo It seems that what is going to happen in the future is up in the air even more now than before. The thing to...
Jul 21, 2023 | Angels & Spirit Guides |
I was recently reminded of one of the rare times I heard my Angels before I found out I was an empathic medium. I was in my thirties, with a nephew was living with me, he was going to college. It was his first time away from the Midwest, and his divorced parents were...
Jun 1, 2023 | Angels & Spirit Guides |
If you have worked with me at all, you know that I channel people’s Angels and Spirit Guides. We all have 30-40 Angels and Spirit Guides with us. Those are the ones assigned to us and who chose to be with us. Some people don’t feel their spirit guides and Angels...