Update on Lucie

Update on Lucie

I want to thank everyone for the well wishes that poured out when Lucie was attacked by another dog. It really helped to have your insight and well wishes. Luckily the owner of the dog who attacked her paid off her Emergency hospital bill. It is a law in Arizona that...
How to help Ukraine

How to help Ukraine

If you are like me, you watched in horror as war started in Ukraine. Regardless of what your politics are, as a human you must ache for the people who were going about their ordinary lives to wake up to bombing and tanks. I always feel for the pets, the cats, the dogs...
Lucie’s Very Bad Month

Lucie’s Very Bad Month

If you know me at all, you know I have a bichon named Lucie. Lucie has had a busy month. She re-certified as a therapy dog and had a graduation party last week. The week before that, she was out peeing at 7 am in the backyard and a coyote stepped out from behind a...
Monarch Butterflies

Monarch Butterflies

An estimated 4.5 million monarchs once thrived west of the Rocky Mountains. Unfortunately, over the past three decades, monarchs’ western population has declined by 99.9% because of pesticides, prolonged drought, the loss of milkweed and pollinator habitat, and...

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