Mar 17, 2020 | General, Inner Relfection |
Those of you in Tucson have taken my class on living your best soul life, Flourish. While I have offered it to ALL of Tucson, I have always held the classes on the eastside. However that is going to change- I have a Flourish class starting on March 23rd on the...
Mar 17, 2020 | General, Product Reviews |
If you are like me, you have more pictures of your pets than you do of your significant other. That is the way it is with Lucie, and Samson, well, Samson models so we are always looking for the next drop dead pose. With this in mind, I eagerly ordered these air...
Feb 7, 2020 | meditation |
Focus. It is such a simple word. Yet it makes the difference between being a success, and failure, and someone who never gets up off the couch. Focus makes the difference between being explicit and succinct, or confused with bewilderment. Think of when you are...
Oct 18, 2019 | Inner Reflection |
When I do soul coaching & sessions, #1 question is: What Is My Life’s Purpose? Incredibly, “Am I on purpose?” is the question I am most frequently asked in intuitive sessions. Most people I work with think that their purpose is a simple statement, like a fortune...
Apr 27, 2019 | Canines & Characteristics, General, Pets |
Lucie has been a therapy dog for 8 years now. During that time, she came down with a disease called IMHA, which lysis’s red blood cells and makes you anemic. 85% of the dogs that get it to die in the first 2 weeks. Lucie was prayed over, saw an integrative Vet in...