Truth of Angels

Truth of Angels

It’s Happening! We are moving to a higher vibrational plane! (from duality to oneness). The truth the Angels have spoken about, that all secrets will become known within a short amount of time is being realized. Next, many of the Indigo & Crystal children who can...
The Realities Of Having a Puppy

The Realities Of Having a Puppy

Do you really think that having a puppy is all play and no pay? Maybe a cute picture you can put on Instagram or Facebook, or perhaps a pet you can cuddle. Well, yes, having a puppy is both of those things. However there’s so much more to pet ownership than that....
3 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore In Dogs

3 Symptoms You Should Never Ignore In Dogs

When a person is sick, it’s usually easy to tell. A person can explain their symptoms to their doctor who will treat what’s wrong. But things aren’t so easy when it comes to your dog. Your dog won’t be able to tell you when something isn’t right, so you need to keep...
Important Considerations Before Becoming a Dog Owner

Important Considerations Before Becoming a Dog Owner

As a dog owner in 2018, it is important to make sure you understand what is involved in the process of owning a dog. Dogs are unlike so many other pets because they need constant love and attention. They love to remain active as well. There are a lot of things you...

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