Samson Speaks – Sight Seeing in Vegas

Samson Speaks – Sight Seeing in Vegas

In less than a week Samson & I will be going back to Las Vegas to attend the SuperZoo Convention.  The last time Samson and I were in Los Vegas, we tried to see all the sights that Vegas had to offer. We went to the fountains at the Bellagio, the inside displays...
Breaking The ‘Art Isn’t Work’ Myth

Breaking The ‘Art Isn’t Work’ Myth

How many people, over the last hundreds of years, aspired to be an artist?  Of those people, how many, other than myself, have been told that their artistic ambitions will amount to nothing and would not put bread on the table? My guess, quite a few. Just imagine if...
Lucie’s Movie

Lucie’s Movie

Lucie has been a therapy dog for 8 years now. During that time, she came down with a disease called IMHA, which lysis’s red blood cells and makes you anemic. 85% of the dogs that get it to die in the first 2 weeks. Lucie was prayed over, saw an integrative Vet in...

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