Dec 20, 2021 | Canines & Characteristics |
Pets are a lifelong responsibility, so it’s important that you’ve done your research and know exactly what you’re signing up for when you decide to take one into your life. Too many people view them as mere accessories or novelties, which could go to explain why so...
Jul 25, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics |
You might provide your dog with everything they need. They may have an amazing diet and all the toys they want, but if you’re not spending as much time as you should with your dog, maybe it’s best to focus on spending quality time with them, rather than focusing...
Jun 25, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics, Felines, Facts, & Fantasies, Observations & Information |
Today there is an abundance of TV reality shows about ghosts. Shows like Ghost Hunters, The Dead Files, even a drama called Ghost Whisperer. I am a medium, and talk to beings on the other side, both in heaven and earthbound. Both animals and humans can be earthbound....
Jun 19, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics |
Just like humans, dogs can get depressed from time-to-time. However, unlike humans, they can’t tell you. They can’t speak to you about the way they are feeling. They can show you, though, and this is why it is important to look out for the key warning signs that your...
Jun 3, 2018 | Product Reviews |
I gave my assistant a fountain for her new kitten, and this is what she realized. I want to add to this that in Arizona, the water has a lot of minerals in it, and many of my clients end up with emergency vet charges from cats/dogs having kidney stones. Also, if their...
May 30, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics |
If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that we want the best for our pups. They’re part of the family, and we go out of our ways to make sure they’re happy. We roll around on the floor and buy toys we would never have looked twice at in our pre-dog days. We...
May 29, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics |
Pets can be a big part of a family unit, which is why it can be upsetting for many pet lovers who want to take their pets away with them. Putting them in kennels or with a sitter just doesn’t feel right when they should be with you, whether that’s on the beach or...
May 22, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics |
If you have pets, especially pet dogs, then it can seem right from day one that your life can be an endless array of veterinary bills. It is truer as our pets get older, but even from the early stages, there are things that they will need to see a vet for. You may...
May 22, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics |
If your dog barks all of the time, it can be a bit frustrating and even embarrassing. Of course, all dogs should bark and it is normal for them to do this when they hear a noise or when visitors arrive. However, if it seems like your dog barks every second of the day,...