Jun 25, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics, Felines, Facts, & Fantasies, Observations & Information |
Today there is an abundance of TV reality shows about ghosts. Shows like Ghost Hunters, The Dead Files, even a drama called Ghost Whisperer. I am a medium, and talk to beings on the other side, both in heaven and earthbound. Both animals and humans can be earthbound....
Jun 24, 2018 | Observations & Information |
As a medium, I talk to people who have committed suicides, not many but well over 200. There are different rules that go with suicide deaths, as compared to accidents, disease, dying in the middle of your sleep. There are some very consistent factors that I see with...
May 16, 2018 | Canines & Characteristics |
While speaking at an Animal Communication event, an older man walked over to me. He leaned down, covering his mouth with his hand, whispering: “I lost my dog last year. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”I constantly hear that sentiment. Nothing can prepare you...
Aug 25, 2013 | Uncategorized |
Information and Items needed before heaven ceremony is performed: 1. Thenameofapersoninheavenwhowouldcomedownandget the pet. Preferably a deceased human family member, or good friend. Most people can think of the name of someone in heaven. The best possible candidate...
Feb 2, 2013 | Canines & Characteristics, Felines, Facts, & Fantasies, Observations & Information |
When I do a session for someone and their animal, I just channel what I receive. It is like the part of me that is the ego or consciousness, is sitting on the sidelines listening to everything that was said. What comes thru sometimes surprises me as much as it does...
Dec 9, 2011 | Canines & Characteristics, Felines, Facts, & Fantasies |
The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, Animal Lover. When researching the topic of reincarnation in dogs, cats and horses, I found five other animal communicators who also started BELIEVING in animal reincarnation because of their work. Do you have any...
Apr 29, 2011 | Canines & Characteristics, Felines, Facts, & Fantasies, Jewelry & Metaphysical facts |
What happens when pets die? This is my experience of it. I have a faith built from experience, a faith because it a feeling unseen. Faith lends itself to dogma; we can’t pass feelings around the room like we can photographs. It’s not something that you can look at and...
Oct 19, 2010 | Observations & Information, Uncategorized |
Being in stalled traffic by the Hoover dam yesterday, brought back into memory a story told by Elizabeth Kubler Ross. Before I realized I was a medium, I was drawn to study with Elizabeth Kubler Ross because of her expertise in the field of death and dying. My best...